Heaven knows 2020 provided us with many opportunities for TV watching (you know you watched the Tiger King). ‘Movie night in’ calls for popcorn, but not just any popcorn. Real popcorn, made on the cooktop in a pot with real unadulterated oils, and in this case smothered in melted butter, real parmesan cheese, sea salt and chives. This is The Organic Kitchen’s homemade Parmesan Chive Popcorn, and it’s downright addictive!
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Making popcorn on the cooktop is easy. You simply add a few tablespoons of your favorite healthy oil to a big pot and heat. I avoid corn and safflower oils and go for a quality Coconut Oil, but you van also use avocado oil, After adding oil to pot, drop in a few kernels of popping corn and wait for the first one to pop. Then you add the rest of the corn, cover the pot with a lid and shake that pot vigorously until the kernels stop popping.
The Toppings:
After popping, drizzle with melted butter and toss with parmesan, chives and sea salt! Of course you can adjust the butter, herbs, spices and cheese to your preference. This savory popcorn is a delicious and healthy treat when made with top notch ingredients like natural oils, pastured butter, fresh herbs and unprocessed sea salt!
Need More Popcorn Recipes?
Try my chili lime and pumpkin spice popcorn!
The Recipe: Parmesan Chive Popcorn
What you will need: a good, healthy oil. I use Coconut Oil, but you van also use avocado oil. You will need a big pot with a lid, popcorn kernels (preferably NON GMO like these), good sea salt (I like Maldons) I use a microplane to grate the cheese.

Savory popcorn made on the cooktop in minutes!
- 1 1/2 cups finely grated Parmesan (use a microplane to grate)
- 1/4 cup chives, chopped finely
- 3 Tablespoons coconut oil (or other cooking oil)
- 1/2 cup white popping corn
- 1/4 -1/3 cup melted butter (some people like lighter butter, some heavier. You do you)
- sea salt to taste
Grate cheese with a microplane and chop chives
Place a large pot on cooktop on high heat, add oil and three kernels of corn
When kernel pops, carefully add the rest of the popcorn and place lid on pot
Lower heat to medium/high and shake the heck out of that pot until you hear the popping stop
Remove lid, allow to cool a bit
Melt butter in a small sauce pan
Use a knife to stir popcorn as you drizzle with melted butter, continue to stir with a knife as you alternate sprinkling with chives and parmesan
Taste. Parmesan is quite salty so I want you to get an idea of how much salt to add. Add a pinch of salt at a time while stirring and stop when you are happy with the taste!
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